CENTRAL BANK "Looking Glass"
Directed by: Jason Guerrero
Studio: Taylor James
DP: Maryse Alberti
Flame: Jamie Scott
Agency: Woodruff Sweitzer
The concept behind this spot was to use Central Bank's logo as looking glass into the future, to reveal all the possibilities than are within reach with financial help of this midwestern banking institution. I really enjoy directing these pseudo abstract spots that hint at a greater narrative just beyond what is present in the spot. We shot this in LA at Big Sky Ranch, the same location where many movies and TV shows have been shot including Little House on the Prairie and the first season of HBO's West World. I also got to work with DP Maryse Alberti (Creed, The Wrestler, Collateral Beauty) whose amazing eye helped to give the spot a nice warm & inviting look with almost entirely natural light.
Previs Animation (by Maria Chou):
Tree Design Frame:
Design and Styleframes (by Maria Chou, Tae Kim, Anh Vu and Harry Fellows):

Town Design (By Maria Chou):
Print Ad (Photographer Harry Fellows and retoucher John Casson):